Our Mission & Vision
Our mission is to connect volunteers to Kansas charities that need their help. Our vision is to move Kansas from number 8 to number one in the nation for volunteerism.
In order to meet these goals, we have created an extensive and diverse network of individual, corporate and non-profit contacts, making us uniquely suited to take on our goal of making Kansas the number one volunteer state.
If you have questions about Volunteer Kansas or ideas that could help us move closer to our goals, please feel free to contact us and we’ll connect you to the information or resources you’re looking for.
Our Charities
Helping charities find volunteers makes Kansas a better place to live. We work with charities in many areas including: education, children and families, animal welfare, violence and bullying, poverty, environment, health and fitness, disaster relief, human rights, and more.
Our website offers an online platform where Kansas charities can list their volunteer needs and volunteers can browse those volunteer opportunities to find a worthy cause in which to donate their talents and time.
Users are able to search the site by keyword or phrase, range of dates, location, or charity name.
Our Volunteers
Last year nearly 60.7 million Americans volunteered for various organizations across the country, donating nearly 4.1 billion hours of their time to worthy causes. The estimated value of this service was $122.9 billion.
Their efforts strengthened communities, met people’s needs, and boosted civic engagement.
Will you join us in volunteering this year?
Volunteer Kansas, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization based in Wichita, Kansas.
The use of VolunteerKansas.org is free of charge for charities and volunteers.
Volunteer Kansas Is Endorsed By:
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